Collagen and Achy Joints

Collagen and Achy Joints

Joint pain is pretty normal as we age. It can be felt all over the body. Age, weight, previous injuries, overuse, and other medical conditions contribute to joint pain. Joint pain is common, and it usually manifests itself in the hands, feet, hips, knees, or spine. Pain can be constant or intermittent. The joint may feel stiff, achy, or sore at times. Some patients report sensations of burning, throbbing, or "grating." Furthermore, the joint may feel stiff in the morning but will loosen and feel better with movement and activity. However, excessive exercise may aggravate the pain.

Joint pain can impair joint function and limit a person's ability to perform basic tasks. Severe joint pain can hurt one's quality of life. Therefore, treatment should concentrate not only on the pain but also on the affected activities and functions.

On the other hand, Collagen may help your joints move more smoothly and painlessly. If you've been considering trying collagen, here are four potential benefits of jumping on this trend that's here to stay.

  • Collagen helps your joints for healthy cartilage.
  • You may not realize it, but collagen plays a vital role in the mobility of your joints. While some types of collagen can be found in your skin, bones, and organs, one type can be found in the cartilage between your joints. As a result, collagen aids cartilage – and thus your joints' cartilage in remaining flexible, absorbing shocks, and remaining well-supported in general.

    As you get older, your articular cartilage depletes. Years of rubbing against it cause wear and tear, causing aches and pains. Collagen loss is another factor at work. Your body naturally loses it, retaining less and less over time. When your collagen levels drop, your joints may suffer. In addition, low collagen levels can cause cartilage and tendons to become looser, increasing the likelihood of injury.

  • Replacing lost collage could reduce joint stiffness and pain.
  • However, your cartilage can be harmed if you don't get enough collagen. And joint-related conditions, such as osteoarthritis, can pose an increasing risk. In addition, research indicates that aging-related collagen loss may increase the risk of degenerative joint disorders.

    Adding collagen back into your body, either through diet or supplementation, may help to mitigate that risk. According to research, increasing collagen consumption can improve osteoarthritis symptoms and reduce overall joint pain. For example, athletes who took 10 grams of collagen per day for six months saw a significant reduction in joint pain both while walking and at rest. Likewise, adults who took just two grams per day for over two months experienced a significant improvement in joint pain. However, even if you replace lost collagen, keep in mind that you cannot regrow or repair your joints or cartilage.

  • Collagen may also provide relief from some arthritis symptoms.
  • For example, if you're suffering from more than just essential joint pain caused by wear and tear (or osteoarthritis, as it's more commonly known), collagen may be able to help. According to research, collagen may have a beneficial effect on various types of arthritis pain. For example, a study looked at the effects of collagen supplements on people with osteoarthritis; the findings revealed that collagen reduced pain, stiffness, and mobility. Another survey of rheumatoid arthritis patients found that taking collagen improved pain, morning stiffness, tenderness, and swelling. While the effects were not as strong as traditional treatment options (particularly in the case of rheumatoid arthritis), they were still effective.

  • Collagen, both natural and supplemental, can be beneficial.
  • While most medical professionals recommend getting your nutrients from food first before turning to vitamins and supplements, this is not the case with collagen. Your body doesn't care if you get collagen from supplements or protein-rich foods. It's all the same once your digestive system starts converting collagen into amino acids. Collagen supplements are available in various forms, including powders, tablets, and drinks. Hydrolyzed collagen, which is essentially a "predigested" form of the protein, is one of the best. Hydrolyzed collagen is easier for your tissues to absorb, and it also provides your body with the exact amino acids it requires. Another collagen-rich option is bone broth.

    Take Away:

    According to researchers, supplemental collagen may accumulate in cartilage and stimulate your tissues to produce collagen. As a result, there may be less inflammation, improved joint support, and reduced pain. If you want to try collagen supplements for pain relief, most research indicates that taking 10 grams per day will be effective.

    There are 16 different types of collagen, but Types I and III are the most common in our bodies. They are suitable for your hair, skin, nails, and bones. Collagen Types I and III improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, helps in joints and restore a youthful glow!


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